To avoid payment of the registration fee, all cancellations shall be sent to the SCPPA Training Coordinator at at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the training course. Unless a substitute attendee has been identified, any cancellation notice received within thirty (30) days of the start of the training course will be subject to the full payment of the registration fee. Substitution may be allowed for cancellations during the thirty (30) day period prior to the start of the training course, however identifying a substitute attendee not already registered for the training course is the sole responsibility of the canceling registrant. SCPPA may assist with identifying substitute attendees to the extent there is a registration wait list for the training course. Canceling registrants are advised to contact the SCPPA Training Coordinator promptly to inquire about the registration wait list.
SCPPA will consider requests to use the SCPPA Training Facility by other non-SCPPA Member utilities or government agencies for training or meeting purpose on a case-by-case basis.
SCPPA has considered the option of availing non-member third parties with use of the SCPPA Training Facility at a cost, based upon an internal analysis such an option is not likely to be beneficial to SCPPA. Given this, SCPPA does not currently intend on availing access to the SCPPA training facility to third parties.
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