Northern Nevada Geothermal Portfolio Project

Northern Nevada Geothermal Portfolio Project

Participants: LADWP (100%)

About Northern Nevada Geothermal Portfolio Project (NNGP)

The Northern Nevada Geothermal Portfolio Project is a combination of new and existing geothermal facilities located in Northern Nevada. The facilities are scheduled to begin delivering energy during three distinct development periods, with the first development period ending on December 31, 2018. The project currently consists of Tungsten Mountain, which began generating energy on December 1, 2017, Steamboat Hills came online on March 16, 2018, McGinness Hills 3 began commercial operations on December 15, 2018, and Galena 2, which began delivering energy on March 1, 2019. Together these facilities will generate a long-term geothermal supply of renewable electrical energy to LADWP. Capacity increases within each development period before capping with a maximum capacity of 185 MWs at the end of 2022. The term of the power purchase agreement began on December 31, 2017 and is expected to end on December 31, 2043. The energy price under the power purchase agreement is fixed at $75.50/MWh for the terms of the contract.

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