Established in 1895, Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) is a consumer-owned water and electric utility that provides high quality, reliable services to 112,000 metered electric customers, and 66,000 metered water customers throughout an 82 square mile area in and around the City of Riverside, California, serving a population of 318,000. RPU is committed to providing the highest quality water and electric services at the lowest possible rates to benefit its customer owners.
To maintain its energy delivery commitment, the utility maintains a diverse resource portfolio mix that includes: 236 MW of simple-cycle, natural gas peaking generation, and 29.5 MW combined-cycle natural gas generation; participation in Palo Verde Nuclear (12.3 MW) and Intermountain Power Agency (137.1 MW) generation projects; long-term renewable power purchase agreements (241MW), as well as short, mid, and long-term contracts from various other power providers. Riverside is committed to promoting sustainable communities and becoming a municipal leader in the use of renewable energy resources. RPU met the 33 percent by 2020 RPS state mandate and is on target to meet additional future mandates with resource procurement actions as outlined in the Renewables Portfolio Standard Procurement Plan. For calendar year 2021, renewable resources provided 43 percent of retail sales requirements.
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